- February 2011
Improving Micro-Raman/AFM Systems Imaging Using Negative-Stiffness Vibration Isolation
Negative-stiffness vibration isolators can easily support the heavy weight of a combined AFM/micro-Raman system, and isolate it from low frequency vibrations more effectively than high-performance air tables or active isolation systems.
By Jim McMahon
The need for precise vibration isolation with scanning probe
microscopy (SPM) and near-field scanning optical microscopy
(NSOM) systems is becoming more critical as resolutions
continue to bridge from micro to nano. Whether used in academic
labs or commercial facilities, SPM and NSOM systems are
extremely susceptible to vibrations from the environment.
When measuring a very few angstroms or nanometers of displacement,
an absolutely stable surface must be established for the
instrument. Any vibration coupled into the mechanical structure
of the instrument will cause vertical and/or horizontal
noise and bring about a reduction in the ability to measure
high resolution features the vertical axis being
the most sensitive for SPMs, but they can also be quite
sensitive to vibrations in the horizontal axis.
Traditionally, bungee cords and high-performance air
tables have been the vibration isolators most used for
SPM and NSOM work. The ubiquitous passive-system air
tables, adequate until a decade ago, are now being seriously
challenged by the need for more refined imaging requirements.
Bench top air systems provide limited isolation vertically
and very little isolation horizontally. Also at a disadvantage
are the active isolation systems, known as electronic
force cancellation, that use electronics to sense the
motion and then put in equal amounts of motion electronically
to compensate and cancel out the motion. Active systems
are somewhat adequate for applications with lasers and
optics, as they can start isolating as low as 0.7 Hz,
but because they run on electricity they can be negatively
influenced by problems of electronic dysfunction and
power modulations, which can interrupt scanning.
Lately, the introduction of integrated microscopy systems
employing multiple microscopes is enabling more complex optical
measurements, but these systems are also much heavier, and
there has been little vibration isolation technology available
for such heavy instrumentation. Air tables, which have been
liberally used for optics applications, are not ideal for
these nanoscale resolution systems because of their inability
to effectively isolate vibrations below 20 Hz. Nor can active
systems be used with these newer combination systems because
of their inability to handle heavy instrumentation. But now,
negative-stiffness mechanism (NSM) vibration isolation is
quickly becoming the choice for SPM and NSOM systems. This
includes applications using atomic force microscopy (AFM)
integrated with micro-Raman spectroscopy, where negative-stiffness
vibration isolation is particularly well adapted. In fact,
it is the application of negative-stiffness isolation that
has enabled AFMs to be truly integrated with micro-Raman into
one combined system. Negative-stiffness isolators can handle
the heavy weight of the combined AFM/micro-Raman system, as
well as isolate the equipment from low frequency vibrations,
a critical set of factors that high-performance air tables
and active systems cannot achieve.
AFM with Micro-Raman Integrated
The integration of AFM with micro-Raman enables a sizable
improvement in data correlation between the two techniques
and expanded Raman measurement and resolution capabilities.
Micro-Raman is a spectroscopic NSOM technique used in
condensed matter physics and chemistry to study vibrational,
rotational, and other low-frequency modes in a system.
It relies on scattering of monochromatic light, usually
from a laser in the visible, near infrared or near ultraviolet
The laser light interacts with phonons or other excitations
in the system, resulting in the energy of the laser photons
being shifted up or down. The shift in energy gives information
about the phonon modes in the system. Scanning samples in
a micro-Raman system, however, suffers from several problems.
As a sample is scanned, even a very flat sample, it is hard
to keep the distance of the lens to the sample constant. Thus,
as one goes from pixel to pixel under the lens of a Raman,
a mixture of sample and air is sampled in the voxel (volumetric
picture element) that is illuminated. This causes intensity
variations in the Raman that are unrelated to the chemical
composition of the sample and are artifactual. This is even
more pronounced with rough samples and standard methods of
autofocus are simply not accurate enough for a whole host
of problems that are being investigated today. Additionally,
the point spread function, which determines the resolution
of the Raman image, is significantly broader where there are
contributions from the out-of-focus light and this reduces
The atomic force microscope, being a very high-resolution
type of scanning probe microscope, has demonstrated resolution
of fractions of a nanometer, making it one of the foremost
tools for imaging, measuring and manipulating matter at the
nano-scale. The information is gathered by "feeling"
the surface with a mechanical probe. Piezoelectric elements
that facilitate tiny but accurate and precise movements on
electronic command enable the very precise scanning.
The AFM consists of a micro-scale cantilever with a sharp
tip (probe) at its end that is used to scan the specimen surface.
The cantilever is typically silicon or silicon nitride with
a tip radius of curvature on the order of nanometers. When
the tip is brought into proximity of a sample surface, forces
between the tip and the sample lead to a deflection of the
cantilever. Resultant characteristics, such as mechanical,
electrostatic, magnetic, chemical and other forces are then
measured by the AFM using, typically, a laser spot reflected
from the top surface of the cantilever into an array of photodiodes.
Most systems employing AFM in concert
with Raman perform separately, executing either an AFM
scan or a Raman scan independently. The recently developed
direct integration of Raman spectroscopy with AFM technique,
however, has opened the door to significantly improved
technique and sample analyses.
Micro-Raman is a microtechnique, but when AFM is added,
it becomes a nanotechnique. It allows the AFM structural
data to be recorded online and improves the resolution
of the Raman information when the nanometric feedback
of the system adjusts, with unprecedented precision,
the position of each pixel of the sample relative to
the lens. Also the small movements of the AFM stage
provide oversampling which is a well-known technique
for resolution improvement.
One integrated AFM-Raman system developed by Nanonics
Imaging Ltd. in association with major Raman manufacturers
such as Renishaw plc, Horiba JY and others provides
simultaneous and, very importantly, on-line data from
both modalities. This advantage addresses critical problems
in Raman including resolution and intensity comparisons
in Raman images while permitting on-line functional
characterization such as thermal conductivity, elasticity
and adhesion, electrical and other properties. It also
provides for new avenues of improved resolution including
AFM functioning without optical obstruction, parallel
recording with Raman in a wide variety of scanned probe
imaging modalities enabling direct and simultaneous
image comparison and analysis, and high-resolution Raman
Until recently, Raman scattering has remained separate
and removed from the proliferation of insights that the scanned
probe microscopies can give, says Aaron Lewis, President
of Nanonics Imaging, which was the first to see the potential
of such integration. Without this integration of the
systems, investigating a sample with scanned probe microscopy
required removing the sample from the micro-Raman spectrometer.
This meant that the exact region that was being interrogated
by Raman could not be effectively correlated with the chosen
SPM imaging technique.
Another aspect of optical integration is that SPMs can
measure forces, but they cannot measure distribution of light
in micro-lasers, silicon-based wave guides, fluorescently
stained biological materials, etc., explains Lewis.
For example, there are many important advances occurring
in the application of photonics to silicon structures and
plasmonic metals. In the past, these photonic structures were
in the micrometer range, now they are nanometric.
The Nanonics platform can be used for structural and
photonic characterization, as well as the structural
and chemical characterization that is available with
AFM and Raman integration.
For these applications, Nanonics Imaging is the innovator
of AFM and NSOM systems, including dual tip/sample scanning
AFM systems, the industrys first NSOM-AFM cryogenic
systems, integrated Raman-AFM systems, multiprobe AFM
and SEM-AFM systems. The company also holds patents
to the largest range of unique nano-probes. These probes
form a NanoToolKit for its unique characterization platforms
with a variety of tasks, such as for nanophotonics,
plasmonics, nanochemical imaging and even nanochemical
deposition based on its singular NanoFountainPen technology.
The company is focused on full integration of AFM technology
with optics, chemical imaging and other analytical tools.
The Nanonics MultiView AFM-NSOM microscope, with its
free optical axis on a standard micro-Raman, now makes
it possible to truly integrate the separate worlds of
Raman and AFM/NSOM nanocharacterization, which has led
to a new era in high-resolution Raman spectroscopy.
Facilitating this integration is not only the geometry
of the AFM/NSOM platform but also a new generation of
AFM glass probes that have very unique characteristics
such as hollow glass probes with cantilevered
nano-pippets for material deposition, probes with glass
surrounding a single nanowire in the middle for ultrasensitive
electrical measurements, or dual wire glass probes for
thermal conductivity and thermocouple measurements.
Glass probes are ideal for Raman integration because of their
transparency to laser light and no Raman background. They
also expand outward allowing unprecedented correlation of
Raman and AFM, also permitting multiple probes to be brought
easily together, which is very difficult with a standard AFM
Negative-Stiffness Vibration Isolation Enabling
AFM and Micro-Raman to Function as an Integrated Platform
Underlying this pioneering integration AFM with micro-Raman
is negative-stiffness vibration isolation, developed my Minus
K Technology Inc. What negative-stiffness isolators provide
is really quite unique to SPM-Raman and other NSOM systems.
In particular, improved transmissibility of a negative-stiffness
isolator that is the vibrations that transmit through
the isolator relative to the input floor vibrations. Transmissibility
with negative-stiffness is substantially improved over air
systems and over active isolation systems. Negative-stiffness
isolators employ a unique - and completely mechanical - concept
in low-frequency vibration isolation. Vertical-motion isolation
is provided by a stiff spring that supports a weight load,
combined with a negative-stiffness mechanism. The net vertical
stiffness is made very low without affecting the static load-supporting
capability of the spring. Beam-columns connected in series
with the vertical-motion isolator provide horizontal-motion
isolation. The horizontal stiffness of the beam-columns is
reduced by the "beam-column" effect (A beam-column
behaves as a spring combined with a negative-stiffness mechanism).
The result is a compact passive isolator capable of very low
vertical and horizontal natural frequencies and very high
internal structural frequencies. The isolators (adjusted to
1/2 Hz) achieve 93% isolation efficiency at 2 Hz; 99% at 5
Hz; and 99.7% at 10 Hz.
Before negative-stiffness vibration isolation was employed, AFM used in conjunction with micro-Raman systems could not maintain adequate imaging integrity while measuring at the nanoscale level, said Lewis. Vibration isolation is absolutely necessary for the systems successful performance, and negative-stiffness isolation has enabled AFM and micro-Raman to function as a truly integrated platform.
For more information, visit: or the author: Jim McMahon writes about instrumentation technology. His feature stories have appeared in hundreds of industrial and high-tech publications throughout the world and are read by more than 5 million readers monthly. He can be reached at